It’s PBParty’s 9th year! The PBParty Dream Team of Judges and I can’t wait to read your submissions and celebrate your successes.
The annual PBParty contest is for unagented writers and author/illustrators with finished and polished picture book manuscripts. You submit an entry (query and first 60 – 70 words) and we pick a wide variety of genres for the agents/editors to read and hopefully request. This is not a twitter pitch event!
Last year, we had 70 incredible agents & editors make 515 requests of the 50 finalists and 20 in the Illustration Showcase…out of almost 1000 entries.
Here’s a list of participating PBParty agents & editors. Wahooooooo!
We’re using Google forms again. NEW! There will be ONE long submission window on March 1, 2023 EST to make it easier for people around the world to send in their entry.
Submit one contest entry on Wednesday, March 1st from midnight to 8pm EST via a Google form link I’ll share toward the end of February. (The form will ONLY be open during this submission window.)
Google form for WRITERS
We’ll pick our 50 favorite entries plus art for the Illustration Showcase.
Agents and editors read the selected entries on my website and make requests Monday, March 20 – Friday, March 24.
IMPORTANT: Here’s what you’ll need to fill out the Google form.
You can see screenshots of the writer and author/illustrator Google forms in this post.
I’ll post the list of 2023 agents and editors soon! We’re up to 46 now. Wahoooo! I’m pretty sure it will grow. I’ll add new names and shout out on Twitter when it does. 🙂
From March 1 through the end of the month, we’ll have a party on Twitter to celebrate our love of writing and picture books with daily topics like: share your favorite picture book or where do you get your writing inspiration. It’s fun and makes the wait a little easier. Everyone is welcome to join the Twitter party fun…even if they don’t enter the contest.
Stay up to date with PBParty events through my website and the PBParty Participants Facebook group!
Additional info:
Please subscribe to this blog by entering your e-mail in the upper right so you won’t miss important PBParty information…like the participating agents and editors, contest tips, the list of finalists–and an awesome surprise I can’t wait to share with you soon. 🙂
The judges and I will tweet tips and teasers on Twitter—so I hope you’ll follow us! I’ll also tweet the party question each morning at 9 am EST. Don’t forget to add #PBParty to your responses, so everyone will see them.
Mindy Alyse Weiss * Matt Tesoriero * Gabriele Davis * Sylvia Chen * Jenna Waldman * Aixa Perez-Prado * Marietta Apollonio
A huge thank you to 2021 PBParty Judge & Designer, author/illustrator Melissa Escobar, for creating the PBParty contest logo, invitations, discussion cards, etc. I LOVE them!
An extra-special shout out of gratitude to Sylvia Chen who goes way beyond being a judge and has earned the nickname Ninja Superstar! She’s helped bring PBParty to a whole new level with her spreadsheet skills (including adding formulas that keep track of totals and color coded judge voting results…and so much more)! I can’t imagine running this contest without her.
*If a manuscript or illustration has been featured in the PBParty agent/editor round or another contest where agents and editors have viewed it (other than a Twitter pitch party) it can’t be entered again, but you may enter a different manuscript.
*The manuscript you submit to PBParty MUST BE AT LEAST 200 WORDS. Finalists will have up to 70 words of their sample online–this would be too much in public with a shorter manuscript. We’re doing this to protect you!
Author/illustrators should attach two full color, finished illustrations to the Google form as JPEG or PNG files – no more than 1MB each. They should be from the same manuscript and must be illustrated by the author. They also need to visually be the same size, so they’ll look great together in the final showcase–either two single pages or two double spreads. We love artwork and can’t wait to see yours!
The illustrations should NOT contain words. If there’s a welcome or other short sign, that is fine, but the actual text from the manuscript can’t be in there.
Illustration Showcase:
After choosing the finalists, we’ll select our favorite illustrations for the Illustration Showcase. This has been a huge hit since we added it to the contest a few years ago.
The titles in the final round and Illustration Showcase will be listed on my blog on March 17, 2023.
There’s a helpful FAQ below so this post doesn’t turn into a novel. Please read this entire post and the FAQs carefully. If you still have questions, leave them in the comments or on Twitter. Don’t forget the #PBParty hashtag.
Keep your eyes open for a #PBParty Zoom to share more details and answer questions. We think this will be a helpful addition. 🙂
I’m still happy dancing for all the Success Stories…and can’t wait to share even more with you soon. Many of the stories contain a query that worked…which will help you prepare for the PBParty contest (plus agent & editor queries). Here’s an awesome post of PBParty cheers from agents and finalists. If you’re an unagented PB writer or author/illustrator…we hope you’ll enter.
We can’t wait to see all the heartwarming cuteness, laugh-out-loud fun, and wonderful stories on March 1! Once you read this giant post all the way to the end, please comment with your favorite writing snack. Then pretend I sent it to help you get your entry ready. Good luck!
Here’s what you’ll need for the 2025 PBParty Contest
The Google form will only be open during the submission window on February 3—but you can create a file with everything you’ll need, then copy and paste it into the form. Now is the time to check every word, share with critique partners, and make sure it’s ready to dazzle.
*You can’t edit once you submit, and you can’t send a revised entry.
* If you can’t send it yourself, you can share your responses and have someone send it in for you.
NOTE: Google will strip most formatting. For italics, put an asterisk before and after the part you want in italics.
~TITLE (Please Capitalize the First Letter of Each Word)
~SAMPLE First 60 – 70 words of a picture book
*Do NOT enter a PB if the full manuscript is less than 200 words! You don’t want that much of your work online, even for a few days.
*Don’t stop in the middle of a… (sentence)
*Art notes count toward your 60 – 70 words!!!
*Repeat: Art notes count toward your 60 – 70 words.
Try to limit art notes as much as possible…but make sure people who haven’t read the manuscript before still understand it if you take notes out.
Please format notes like this [awesome art note]. Don’t say Art note or Illustration…we’ll know it’s a note because of the brackets. This will make it quicker to read (for the hard-working PBParty judges and the amazing agents and editors reading the showcased entries). Plus, all finalists will use the same method. 🙂
Don’t paginate, indent, or share spreads. Only include text and necessary art notes.
~QUERY The most important part of your query is the blurb! Don’t give away the ending–make us want to dive into your manuscript because it sounds so amazing. Hint: it’s helpful to look at queries that worked (like in PBParty Success Stories) and pitches that grabbed a lot of attention in events like #PBPitch.
Include your comps, bio, greeting, closing. Be sure to note lived experiences that make you the perfect person to write the story in the query as well (if it applies). You may use whatever you want for a greeting—but please don’t write it to a specific agent or editor.
The query MUST be a complete query. If it’s a single line pitch with no bio, a bio with no pitch blurb, etc. it will disqualify you. Sadly, this has happened in the past and we don’t want it to happen to you!
Here’s your chance to make your entry shine so agents and editors fall in love with your words.
Do not include personal information like your name, address, e-mail, etc. If you include links in your bio, we will assume those can be made public.
In the past, people have been disqualified for putting large chunks of their manuscript in the query or packing in way too much info to try to make up for the short sample. If a query looks unprofessional, it will knock out an entry…even if we love the sample itself. (We don’t like having to disqualify a sample we love–so please don’t do this.)
~WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO WRITE THIS STORY–and what do you have in common with the story or main character? (We share this in the final entries–some people forget to show an emotional connection to a manuscript in a query and we want to make sure your connection shines). This can be up to 100 words.
~GENRE Please include ONLY 1 – 3 genres for your manuscript! If you’re not sure what genre maybe one of these will help: diverse, humor, character driven, metafiction, concept, STEM/STEAM, rhyming, lyrical, fantasy, bedtime, historical fiction, informational fiction, holiday, contemporary, SEL (social & emotional learning). *If your manuscript rhymes (or is mostly rhyme) then you MUST include rhyme in your genres.
If it’s non-fiction, what type of non-fiction (biography, narrative, etc.)
*Up to 3 genres will be listed along with the title and word count on the finalist page…so please make the best choices!
~WE’D LOVE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU. Check any boxes that apply. You’re welcome to tell us a bit more in the “other” area. 🙂
[ ] BIPOC [ ] Traditionally underrepresented voice in publishing [ ] Traditionally published [ ] Previously agented [ ] Past PBParty Finalist [ ] Past PBParty Honorable Mention [ ] Other __________________________~WORD COUNT (for the entire manuscript–NOT including the title, art notes, or back matter)
*IMPORTANT! The judge voting spreadsheet is coded so any word count under 200 words will immediately be disqualified. Make sure the manuscript you’re entering is at least 200 words (this is to protect YOU). Use the total for the full manuscript, not the sample. If the manuscript is 198 or 199 words, you may round up to 200. 🙂
~NAME (Full name please)
~E-MAIL (Please triple check that you have the correct e-mail…in case we need to get in contact with you. Plus, I e-mail finalists their PBParty finalist badge, banner & an invite to join our private and supportive Facebook group)
Sometimes, people make a mistake with their e-mail…and this gives us another way to contact you.
~SHARE A 1 – 3 SENTENCE PITCH for up to 3 of your strongest, polished PBs–NOT including the picture book you’re entering. (This is only to help us with final spots and won’t be shared online) This is optional, but we hope you’ll do it. It could mean the difference between being a finalist or honorable mention.
~SHARE THE FULL PICTURE BOOK MANUSCRIPT (This was optional in the past, but now we require it because it is a HUGE help figuring out who deserves to be in the showcase). This will NOT be featured online or shared with the agents/editors. It will only be read if the judges are highly considering your entry for the showcase and need to see a bit more before making a final decision. It will also help make sure rhyming manuscripts are spot on and 100% ready to dazzle. This should be text from your manuscript, not back matter.
There will not be a confirmation e-mail. Once you click “Submit” you’ll see a confirmation message. Take a photo of it, if you’d like proof of your entry. 🙂
For author/illustrators
*You’ll have the same Google form as the writers, but you’ll have the ability to attach 2 illustrations.
*We now require a link to your portfolio and a password protected dummy or one that can’t be accessed without the link (just to help judges with the final decisions). Please make sure the judges have access to your dummy! We spend tons of time reading entries and it slows us down if each of us needs to request access.
Format for illustrations: Title 1 your initials Title 2 your initials
Don’t mention including a dummy in your query…agents and editors won’t have access to it in the finals. You can mention that you have a dummy available though.
Good luck! We can’t wait to read your entries. 🙂
Please share between 60 and 70 words in your excerpt. Make sure your sample doesn’t cut off mid-sentence. Entries over 70 words will be disqualified.
*If you post less than 60 words, it might be hard to judge the quality of the manuscript. Please do your best to share at least 55 words with us.
Remember that art notes are included in your total word count!
Yes! Please let us know if you receive an offer. This has happened before—we celebrated the great news and made room in the final round for a couple more dazzling entries.
*TIP: There’s a smaller chance of getting requests in the finals if several of the agents/editors have already seen your PBParty manuscript. Please enter something else if yours has been submitted to many participants.
*If you’re a finalist and don’t withdraw before the showcase starts, you MUST allow requesting agents & editors two weeks from the end of the showcase to respond if you receive an offer. We had several agents upset that during the showcase they requested entries and were told they had a week or less to make a decision because that person received an offer. We don’t want them to get frustrated and stop participating. (Note: you don’t need to submit to anyone who doesn’t seem like a good fit…but if you do submit, they need at least two weeks to decide from the original end of the showcase)
But if you have an agent who is still shopping a manuscript or an agent currently representing a single book that hasn’t sold, you can’t enter out of respect for the participating agents. We wish you tons of luck selling your manuscript!!!
We’re sorry, but this contest is not for co-writers or author/illustrator teams. If you have a picture book you’ve written by yourself, you may enter it. If you’re in the finals and receive interest, that would be the perfect time to let agents and editors know you also have additional work with a co-writer or as part of an author/illustrator team.
This works best for the majority of participating agents, and we want to keep them happy so they’ll return year after year.
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If this is the first PB in a series…YES.
Just know that the picture book must stand alone…many editors like to wait and see how the first book does before considering a series.
If you have published or self-published other books in a series and this is part of it…then sadly, the answer is no. You’d need to choose a different manuscript to enter.
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No. Not with that story.
But you’re welcome to send another picture book manuscript that hasn’t been self-published, under contract, or published…as long as it isn’t part of a published/self-published series.
No, you don’t have to be on Twitter.. But we do share hints and tips on Twitter, BlueSky, Instagram and our PBParty Participant Facebook group. It’s a fantastic way to make writing and illustrating friends.
We’ll also have fun chats using the #PBParty hashtag starting on submission day, and hope you’ll join us.
We will only accept one entry per person, pen name, or giant octopus squid. If we receive more than one, all entries by that person will be disqualified.
YES! We have a Facebook group for participants of PBParty events and hope you’ll join us.
There will also be some PBParty info on my Facebook page.
Whatever you want! You can have fun with it or leave it out and jump into your query—but please don’t address it to a specific agent or editor.
You can include thanks, but no need to put your name, address, personal info. Those will be stripped out if posted to the showcase. If you want to include links to your illustrations or other identifying info in your query bio, that is up to you. We’ll assume you want us to leave any info in your bio.
It’s not mandatory to include comps, but it’s a great way to show agents and editors that you know where your manuscript belongs in the market.
There are cases where you can still submit a contest entry for PBParty (yay)!
You can enter a manuscript into PBParty if…
- It was in a contest that doesn’t have your manuscript in print or online and doesn’t have more than a couple agents and editors in the final round. Examples include SCBWI contests, Writers Digest, etc.
- A small portion of the manuscript was online in a contest without agents and editors (the themed ones with short word counts come to mind). Sometimes these contests spark an idea that morphs into a full picture book. If it’s a lot different than what was posted online and you believe it’s one of your strongest manuscripts…go for it!
- It was entered in a contest with an editor/agent showcase but didn’t make it to the final round.
We have this rule for a few reasons.
- We want agents and editors to see fresh material in the final round. It helps finalists have a better chance at receiving requests and makes it appealing for agents and editors to participate.
- If a large portion of your picture book was posted online, it could be considered published. That’s why we have a low word count and require the full manuscript to be at least 200 words.
We use a Google form. It’s a great way to ensure everyone is able to enter and know it’s been received.
If you have questions, please leave them in the comment section or ask me on Twitter or the PBParty Facebook group.
It’s great that they’re interested in your work…but if research makes you believe it isn’t a good fit, you’re not obligated to send to any agent/editor.
We’re sorry, but we take a lot of time away from our own writing to run this contest and aren’t able to critique anything. But…during the #PBParty fun on Twitter and BlueSky, you can post that you’re looking for critique partners or a group and find some great matches! You’re also able to request critique swaps in the PBParty Participant Facebook group.
I also run the monthly PBParty New Draft Challenge & Critique Train where everyone is motivated to write a PB during the three days it runs each month and then hop on the Critique Train where the person above critiques you and you give feedback to the person below. Click here for the FAQ.
No. Any duplicate entries will disqualify you. Please send the correct info the first time. Check and double check your entry.
That’s okay…Google forms will thank you for submitting to PBParty after you hit send, so we have your entry and can’t wait to read it.
No. If selected, we won’t include your name or social media handles. That info is only for us. Note: We don’t add you to newsletters or share your info with anyone.
***If you’re a finalist…you’re welcome to shout out which entry is yours.
You don’t. This isn’t an online Twitter pitch event. PBParty requires a query and your first 60 – 70 words. Entries are sent to us by Google form. See above for more details. Selected finalists will be posted in a showcase on my website where agents and editors can request them.
Check out these awesome Success Stories. I’m still happy dancing for the talented writers and author/illustrators!
I have more detailed stats from 2020 on. You can find them here. So happy for all the amazing things that have happened to our talented PBParty finalists.
I think it’s important to share that there are other ways PBParty has helped finalists.
- Some were thrilled by the extra confidence they gained.
- Many participants who didn’t make the final round said they learned how to write a great query and strengthen their manuscripts through the blog posts, Twitter tips…and reading the final entries is like taking an advanced picture book workshop. It’s so helpful to see strong samples. Plus, the daily Twitter chats in March help connect people with the amazing online picture book community.
- In 2021, I created a Facebook group for finalists where they’ve cheered each other on and still support each other. Many have formed advanced critique groups through the Facebook group. I LOVE seeing how finalists have helped each other grow and celebrate. I can’t wait to welcome the new finalists to the Facebook group. 🙂
We’ve had tons of successful agent-writer matches and several amazing books published so far. Here are a few from 2019 and earlier.
A Flood of Kindness by Ellen Leventhal sold to WorthyKids (Hachette Book Group) by Mary Cummings.
Flap Your Hands by Steve Asbell sold to Lee and Low by Christy Ewers.
Here’s some PBParty final entries that are now published! Huge congrats.

PBParty 2022
Total entries: ~1000
Participating agents & editors: 70
Agent/Editor requests:
Finalists: 352
Illustration Showcase: 163
Total requests: 515
Signed with PBParty agents and editors: 23 (with more to be announced soon–wahoooo!)
We also have over 11 2022 finalists who signed with other agents/editors since the showcase.
~Stay tuned for new Success Stories and blurbs. There’s so much to celebrate. 🙂
PBParty 2021
Total entries: 1,003
Finalists: 50
Illustrator Showcase: 20
Agent/Editor requests:
Finalists: 207
Illustration Showcase: 25
*Finalists had up to 18 agent & editor requests. Several finalists had multiple agent offers, too! So exciting. 🙂
*We have SO many successes from 2021. Wahooooo! You’ll see more of their stories pop up on my website (many are waiting until news of a sale is official and they can shout that out as well as how PBParty helped them sign with an agent). I’ll share a post full of shorter blurbs about how PBParty has helped finalists soon, too.
PBParty 2020
Entries: 526
Finalists: 29
Illustrator Showcase: 12
Agent/Editor requests:
Finalists: 132
Illustration Showcase: 27 (Plus Kaitlyn Sanchez’s generous offer in the comments = 12 more for 39…and she now reps two of them–wahooo!)
Total specific requests = 159!
With Kaitlyn’s offer – 171!
***I know of 8 who now have agents from PBParty 2020 and two more who received offers, but chose to go with different agents.
PBParty 2019
818 entries (2 allowed per person)
Several finalists were picked up by agents who sold their manuscripts! This was my first year…and I started keeping better track of everything in 2020.
No. Once the Google form closes, submissions are done for the year. We hope you’ll join us next time.
The party is on Twitter and BlueSky under #PBParty. But it isn’t a pitching party. It’s more of a get to know you party. We post daily topics—it’s a great way to make new writer and author/illustrator friends! Agents and editors might stop by. It’s a place to hang out and have fun while the host and judges read the entries. (Pssst–we often shout out tips and teasers.)
Everyone is welcome to join in the #PBParty conversation.
Don’t worry, there are lots of ways to make sure you don’t miss the submission window.
*I’ll shout out tons of reminders on Twitter, BlueSky and the PBParty Participant Facebook group.
*I posted a World Clock toward the bottom of this contest announcement. 🙂
Helpful FAQs for author/illustrators
Yes! If you’re an author/illustrator we encourage you to do so, but it’s not required. You may attach two full color, finished illustrations from the same manuscript with your entry if you created both the text and the art.
*If you’re submitting illustrations, make sure you use the author/illustrator Google form, which will be listed second on submission day. The form for authors won’t let you attach illustrations.
Yes. There’s a showcase that includes queries and excerpts (plus two illustrations from author/illustrators). There’s also an Illustration Showcase that only includes illustrations. Each illustration will be assigned a number and agents will request by that number.
If you’re chosen for the sample and query part of the contest—yay, that’s awesome! You won’t be eligible for the Illustration Showcase, but plenty of agents and editors will see your entire contest submission in our final round.
You have the choice of sending only your writing sample, pitch, etc. without illustrations in the Google form for writers…or you may send two full color, finished illustrations along with your sample and pitch on the author/illustrator Google form.
You may not send only one illustration.
*If you want to receive new blog posts by e-mail, don’t forget to add your name to the upper right of my blog.
I’m counting the days until the amazing entries pour in!
If you’d like extra motivation to write a new picture book plus give and receive a critique–check out my monthly PBParty New Draft Challenge & Critique Train! The next one is February 16 – 18 EST. I hope you’ll hop aboard! It’s helped me write 12 new picture books a year (and it counts for 12x12PB, too)!
Here’s a World Clock in case you live in a different time zone and want to make sure you don’t miss the PBParty contest windows. 🙂
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