PBParty Entry #48 : A Wig for Rigby *ART*
GENRE: Humor, Inspirational WORDS: 405 (more…)
GENRE: Humor, Inspirational WORDS: 405 (more…)
GENRE: Character Driven, Lyrical WORDS: 350 (more…)
GENRE: Character Driven, Contemporary WORDS: 295 (more…)
I’m thrilled to share the 2021 PBParty Illustration Showcase! Agents and editors can request which author/illustrators they’d like to see more from by listing the numbers in the comment section....
After all the contest prep, it’s hard to believe the agent and editor round starts Monday. Wahooo! I’m happy dancing for the finalists and can’t wait to cheer all of...
This is my last post before the finalists are announced. You’re ALL winners for your hard work and getting hope out there. If you aren’t a finalist this time, I...
I can’t believe it’s almost time for the 2021 PBParty final agent and editor round. So exciting! I’m counting the seconds. 😊 People wondered why I was planning for PBParty...
I’m excited that PBParty is about to start! I’m sure it’ll be another amazing year full of new friendships, requests and Success Stories. Here are the contest details. And here’s...
This is an extra-special Success Story today, because Gabriele Davis was a 2020 PBParty finalist, received TONS of requests and offers, became my agent-sister…and is now a PBParty 2021 Judge....
I have more PBParty tips for you, after seeing a bunch of questions come in. Here’s a link to my first post of tips. I hope these posts will help...
I’m thrilled to feature Pooja Nukala today to share her PBParty Success Story. I love celebrating with everyone and am still happy dancing. 🙂 You can find Pooja on her...
Here are tons of tips to help get your PBParty entries ready to submit on March 1. Submission day is two weeks from Monday! Picture book manuscript tips: One of...
I’m thrilled to feature Ellen Leventhal today to share an incredible PBParty Success Story. I love celebrating with everyone and am still happy dancing. Huge thanks to Ellen for sharing...
Introducing the agents and editors for PBParty 2021! We can’t wait for you to see them all and hope the finalists and Illustration Showcase author/illustrators will receive even more requests...
It’s PBParty’s 7th year! I’m so excited to host this amazing event on my website for the first time. The PBParty Dream Team of Judges and I can’t wait to read...
© 2024 Mindy Alyse Weiss